Sad Truths

A series of illustrated self-care attempts; a list of imperfect coping strategies inspired by the book, “More Misery,” by Suzanne Heller.

Suzanne Heller calls out humor in childhood miseries, but let’s be honest adults forget about their chocolate too.

Before moving abroad, I wrote down a list of goals to refer back to when I was having a bad day or felt too overwhelmed.

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Goal: Write down one positive thing a day.

Reality: I washed my underwear, that’s positive right?

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Goal: Go outside once a day

Reality: I opened the door and thought about it.

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Goal: Learn to cook

Reality: Why can’t I cook rice properly?

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Goal: Write a to do list for the next day

Reality: I am less productive than I think I am


Goal: Read more

Reality: Reading on the bus makes me feel nauseous

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Goal: Exercise

Reality: Running with Sir-Poop-A-Lot means more stopping than starting


Goal: Socialize at least once a week.

Reality: I spoke with the cashier.

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Goal: Clean the house

Reality: Muddy footprints always appear right after I sweep and mop.

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Goal: Listen to music

Reality: Wallow in sadness while listening to sad songs

Truthfully, everyone suffers with different types of sadness for a variety of reasons. For me, this list of goals, albeit trial and error, sometimes helps. When my expectations are not my reality, laughing at myself helps too.

Let’s Talk About Mental Health also shares honest stories from around the world in an effort to alter stigmas associated with mental health issues.

What do you do to feel better?